Meetings & Activities 2017

Steering Group (SG) Activity in 2017


Steering Group Actions 16-01-2017
School site, Site Assessments

Steering Group Meeting 01-06-2017
Mtg. with Broadacres Housing Assoc.

Steering Group Actions 18-09-2017
Broadacres, Open Mtg considerations

Steering Group Meeting 28-03-2017
Review of Progress. N.Plan document considered

Steering Group Meeting 13-07-2017
 Sites, Grants, N.Plan chapters

Steering Group Meeting 02-10-2017
Grants Affordable housing survey

Steering Group Meeting 08-05-2017
Mtg. with LPA planners

Steering Group Meeting 08-08-2017
Site reviews, Vision Statement

Steering Group Actions 30-10-2017
Draft N. Plan

Steering Group Meeting 20-11-2017
Plan contents, Consultant appt., Grant

Steering Group Actions 11-12-2017
Consultant appt., Grants, N.Plan wording


Resident Open Evenings

Resident Open Evening - 24-02-2017

Parish Council Newsletters

in 2017 briefing residents on the Parish's Neighbourhood Plan


Darlington and Stockton Times

References to Neighbourhood Plan

Darlington & Stockton Times 14-04-2017

The SG Chair (George Hunter (GH) reported on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan SG at every Parish Council Mtg. These reports can be found on the Minutes Archive page of this website.