About The Recreation Area

Play Time!

A playing and recreational area created and maintained by the community.

Members of the community at the opening of the recreation area

Things you need to know

Everyone is welcome to use the Recreation Area, which is open throughout the year.  No matter where you live, or how old you are, there is something here for you.  Please use the equipment responsibly, leave the site as you find it and enjoy your visit. 

Access is down the public footpath beside the school. 

There is no vehicle access to the recreation area.  If you arrive by car, please park on the road with due consideration for other road users, which includes coaches and farm tractors.

There are no toilets at the recreation area, so please prepare accordingly!

There is no rubbish disposal facility, so please take home everything that you bring with you.

The shelter is there to protect you should it rain while you are there.  

This is not a piece of play equipment so please do not let your children climb on it.  They are likely to hurt themselves if they fall off.

Dogs are not allowed on the recreation area, except Assistance dogs on a lead.

       If you find that something has been broken please report it through our contact form, or send an email to [email protected]



The access path has now been provided with an all-weather surface funded by the Countryside Access Team at North Yorkshire County Council.  Grass seed has been incorporated so that it will become a green lane in due course.  
​We are indebted to the Public Rights of Way Officer for organising this at no cost to the village.


Shelter at the recreation area





Press Release for Ingleby Villages Recreation Area Opening Event - 11th September 2010

On Saturday 11th September, Ingleby Villagers and friends will celebrate the Official Opening of a Community Recreation Area. Generations of children have grown up in the village, with no safe, dedicated playing space, and cut off from neighbouring villages by the A19 and A172. Thanks to the support of the Parish Council and the tireless efforts of a small team of committed and enthusiastic villagers, a wonderful project has now evolved. The use of a field was offered by Sir John and Lady Venetia Bell, and a small grant from the York and North Yorkshire Community Foundation enabled the preliminaries to begin. Hambleton District Council helped with the clearing of the footpath and putting in fencing and hedging. Their Community Link Officer and his team gave much encouragement and advice.

The Play Area

Ruth Eastham designed a layout to create a wonderful space for imaginative play, even without the addition of swings and climbing frames.  Preparatory work started in 2009 and soft landscaping was added in early spring this year. Willow dens, native trees and shrubs were planted and wooden benches made.  A wildflower meadow with cycle tracks running through it is growing well and a set of goalposts is in place. The children were consulted from the very beginning about what they would like to see in their play area. Funding was sought to buy items for two main age groups – the under eights and the eight to thirteen year olds. A successful bid to the Big Lottery Awards for All and to the Playbuilder scheme allowed the inclusion of some more traditional equipment to complete the Recreation Area. The community area is designed to allow future changes if and when more money becomes available. An all-weather pitch and a tennis court remain just a dream, but the Ingleby Villages Recreation Area committee can feel very proud of their achievement to date.
At 2pm the Opening Ceremony will be performed by Sir John Bell, followed by a Sports Afternoon with races for all ages, and activities for the children. The day will be especially poignant for one family, whose teenage son was committed to help provide a Play Area in his village. Tragically, Andrew Phillips died before work on the field could begin, and a plaque will be placed there in his memory.