Gardening Club Annual General Meetings

An annual General Meeting has been held each November since the club was formed.  The financial position is reviewed along with the success (or otherwise) of the events run during the year, and a plan is formed for the following year's programme.  

Anyone wishing to have further details should email [email protected] 

soft focus image of a Pink Flower

Contact Us

For membership speak to Josephine Collinson, Estevale, who will be pleased to take your subscription from you.

Tel: 01609 882302

For all other matters contact Ruth or Gerry Eastham, Chapel Garth,

Tel: 01609 882336

Email: [email protected]


Membership of the Ingleby Villages Garden Club is open to all, whether or not you live in the Parish.

It costs £3 for the current year.

Subscriptions are due immediately after the AGM each November when the rate is set for the following year.