About The Parish Council


What Do We Do, Why & How?

Ingleby Arncliffe Parish Council, like all Parish and Town Councils in England, represents the first tier of local government - the one closest and most accessible to the electors.
The Council is made up of 5 volunteer Councillors supported by a paid, part time clerk.
The Councillors represent all the electors of Ingleby Arncliffe and Ingleby Cross and have to stand for election every four years. The Parish Council is not a political body and Councillors do not represent any political party when working for the Parish Council.

The aims of the Parish Council are:

  • To work with parishioners and others,
  • To understand the aspirations of residents and the issues affecting them;
  • To promote the appropriate and sustainable development of Ingleby Arncliffe and the facilities in the Parish
  • To ensure that Ingleby Arncliffe continues to be a safe and enjoyable place to live, work and play, now and in the future.

The Parish Council also has a number of objectives and some very important duties. 


  • To engage, whenever possible, with residents, to understand their needs and to explain how the Council will address these needs within the resources and powers available.
  • To provide high quality, cost effective relevant services and to enable, assist and encourage other organisations and agencies to provide services within the parish.
  • To encourage and promote social and community values in the village by working in cooperation and supporting, where practicable, local organisations and groups.
  • To develop and maintain Ingleby Arncliffe as a peaceful and attractive environment by actively pursuing environmental, recreational, leisure, wildlife and other policies.
  • To act as an agent of management, development and service provision that represents the entire parish community including active involvement in reviewing all planning, service and infra-structure developments.

Duties of the Parish Council and its members

  • To conform to the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and other relevant legislation.
  • To act in accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council.
  • To hold regular meetings of the Parish Council, all of which will be open to the public.
  • To record the minutes of the Council meetings and make them freely available.


Ingleby Arncliffe Parish Council Clerk Contact Information


Email: [email protected]