Garden Club Visit Reports

Visit to Harewood House - 17th August 2019

​A select group of members had a most enjoyable visit to Harewood House which is well worth an individual visit for those who missed this trip.


Visit to Martin Fish’s Garden, Rainton - 13th June 2019

​Martin Fish, gardening consultant and radio personality, gave our party of 19 members and friends a most interesting and informative guided tour of his garden in spite of the wet conditions, followed by great afternoon tea provided under cover by his wife Jill.  


Himalayan Garden & Sculpture Park - 15th May 2018

Glorious weather greatly enhanced the enjoyment of the 12 club members and friends who participated in this return trip.  There were awesome azaleas, magnificent magnolias and riotous rhododendrons all flowering at their spring-time best.  The meconopsis also put on a show for us, and there were some new and interesting sculptures on display.  This truly is the best time to visit this garden!  It is, rightly, becoming very popular resulting in delays at the over-crowded cafe but it is easy to lose the crowds elsewhere in the garden.


Harrogate Spring Flower Show - 26th April 2018

This visit was made all the more enjoyable by the luxury coach travel provided by H Atkinson & Sons (Ingleby) Ltd. to the Club  
​There were some glorious displays in the flower hall and the adjacent sales proved just too tempting for many of the visitors.  
​26 members and friends almost filled the coach, which only just allowed room for all the plants purchased at the show!  



Himalayan Garden & Sculpture Park - 21st October 2017

On a dull but dry day a small group of members and visitors enjoyed a stroll through the gardens which had been partially denuded of their autumn colours by recent storms.  There has been much new planting and several new sculptures since our last visit and it would be good to see it again when the rhododendrons and azaleas are in full bloom in the spring.  The new cafe is a great improvement on the previous one.


Newby Hall - 27th July 2017


Thorp Perrow Arboretum - 16th November 2016

Nine Club Members thoroughly enjoyed a visit to Thorp Perrow Arboretum.  Following an excellent lunch at the café, which lasted long enough for the torrential rain to subside, they took part in the guided fungus foray which is a regular feature of the Thorp Perrow autumn programme.


Tudor Croft - 14th February 2016

Tudor Croft

On Valentine's Day 2016 a group of members visited Tudor Croft, Guisborough, to view the extensive collection of snowdrops.  This was courtesy of the owner Mike Heagney who opens his garden intermittently for charity.  His arts and crafts house and garden are interesting at most times of the year and well worth a visit.  The excellent soup, scones and cakes were much appreciated on a snowy day!

Contact Us

For membership speak to Josephine Collinson, Estevale, who will be pleased to take your subscription from you.

Tel: 01609 882302

For all other matters contact Ruth or Gerry Eastham, Chapel Garth,

Tel: 01609 882336

Email: [email protected]


Membership of the Ingleby Villages Garden Club is open to all, whether or not you live in the Parish.

It costs £3 for the current year.

Subscriptions are due immediately after the AGM each November when the rate is set for the following year.