About The Village Hall


Ingleby Arncliffe Village HallThe Village Hall was built in 1910. It was commissioned by Sir Hugh Bell and was designed by the architect Philip Webb and is Grade II listed.

It is leased from Arncliffe Estates for a peppercorn rent, and is managed by a Committee made up of representatives from every organisation that uses the Hall plus volunteers from the community.

Over the last 15 years there has been a continuous programme of refurbishment.

The Village Hall is located within a few steps of the North York Moors National Park (the boundary runs down the very quiet road at the front) with many facilities including a large Main Hall, rear Garden and a Kitchen. Parking is on the road. It is now a cul de sac but used to be the route of the A172.


        Chairman: Ken Jones     Treasurer: Paula Jones     Secretary: Sylvia Stevenson

Book the Village Hall

To book the Village Hall please contact Ken Jones

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 07754 399002

Village Hall Caretaker

Ian Heseltine
Email: [email protected] 
Tel: 07773 844427