Open Gardens

Open Gardens events have been held in Ingleby Arncliffe and Ingleby Cross every 4 years, starting in 2003, with up to 15 gardens being open to the public each time.  

In 2019 the 5th such event took place on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th June.  This year 12 gardens were open to the public, together with the Water Tower and its historic fire engine, plant and ice cream sales, refreshment sales in the Village Hall, a display of classic cars, a "Row 4 Victory" Atlantic crossing exhibition, nautically themed Geo-Cache and Scarecrow trails, and sea shanties and other songs by the singing trio Bob, Dick & Harry.

The money raised has been divided between Village Hall, All Saints Church, WI, Young Farmers Club, Cricket Club, ​Garden Club, ​Recreation Area and a military veterans charity supported by the "Row 4 Victory" team.

The scarecrow competition in 2019 was fiercely fought over with many imaginative entries.


Plant sales exceeded all previous records with many interesting and unusual plants grown by villagers over the past 2 years attracting enthusiastic buyers.  The hot weather helped with the sale of ice lollies and ice creams!


Open Garden Visitors enjoying a refreshment after the event
The "Glad it's All Over Party" for participants
in the Open Gardens event took place on
​the following Saturday. 


Scarecrow competition entries in 2011

Contact Us

For membership speak to Josephine Collinson, Estevale, who will be pleased to take your subscription from you.

Tel: 01609 882302

For all other matters contact Ruth or Gerry Eastham, Chapel Garth,

Tel: 01609 882336

Email: [email protected]


Membership of the Ingleby Villages Garden Club is open to all, whether or not you live in the Parish.

It costs £3 for the current year.

Subscriptions are due immediately after the AGM each November when the rate is set for the following year.