Events Programme

2023 Programme

Visitors are welcome to attend I V Garden Club TALKS in the Ingleby Cross Village Hall at £1 pp.


April, Saturday 29th PLANT FAIR & COFFEE MORNING Ingleby Cross Village Hall from 11 am to 2 pm.

Refreshments (drinks, scones & cakes) will be provided by Ingleby Arncliffe WI. Plants for sale will be provided by members of the I V Garden Club and will include some interesting and unusual plants sourced from their own gardens.


May, Monday 15th Ingleby Cross Village Hall, 7 pm Talk by Peter Williams entitled “Wonderful Weeds”.


June, Saturday 17th  Visit to RHS Garden at Harlow Carr

Club Members to meet at the entry hall at 11:30 to gain free entry as a group (normally £13.85 per adult and £6.95 per child) as a result of our affiliation to the RHS.  There are free talks and demonstrations and our visit coincides with the “Creative Containers” event.  More information on transport by arrangement.  Post code for Satnav HG3 1QB

NB The Garden Club has a RHS reduction card as part of our affiliation giving half price entry for 2 people to any of the 5 main RHS gardens.


July, Saturday 8th  Annual Social Evening at Chapel Garth commencing 6:00 pm

This is our usual opportunity for all Garden Club Members to meet for a relaxed social evening over a shared supper in pleasant surroundings. 


September, Monday 25th Ingleby Cross Village Hall, 7 pm Talk by Julian Davies entitled “Is there life after Peat”

Julian is Agronomist and Commercial Director at Stockbridge Technology Centre, Selby, which is an independent agricultural and horticultural centre of excellence, supported by both growers and supply sectors of the industry.  He will speak about peat free options, testing products, innovations, trial results and recommendations / best buys.  This should be a good follow-up to our own experience with Dalefoot peat-free compost!  For more information on Stockbridge Technology Centre see


November, Monday 6th Ingleby Cross Village Hall at 6:30 pm.  AGM and Shared Supper.  Club members only


Flower Power Plant Fairs

Own arrangements.

These are not part of our formal programme but they have been enjoyed by members in the past, especially at Newburgh Priory.  Details can be found at:  Early arrival recommended to see the best on offer even if you are not planning to buy more plants - although you probably will!

Contact Us

For membership speak to Josephine Collinson, Estevale, who will be pleased to take your subscription from you.

Tel: 01609 882302

For all other matters contact Ruth or Gerry Eastham, Chapel Garth,

Tel: 01609 882336

Email: [email protected]


Membership of the Ingleby Villages Garden Club is open to all, whether or not you live in the Parish.

It costs £3 for the current year.

Subscriptions are due immediately after the AGM each November when the rate is set for the following year.