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The Vicar and Church Wardens wish to say a big Thank You to everyone who came along to help with the tidy up at the church on Saturday morning. We managed to clear vegetation from most of the perimeter walls and jet wash the path. Another morning's work will be needed soon to clear vegetation around the church itself and to repaint the gates.
Long Distance Runners visit Ingleby Cross
Ingleby Cross Village Hall was recently used as a location for long distance runners to register for the 'SLVA Moors Traverse', which is a 100km run from Ingleby Cross to Robin Hoods Bay following the Wainwright route.
On the same weekend, there was also the SLVA Northern Traverse run from St Bees, Cumbria to Robin Hoods Bay covering 300km, which also came through Ingleby Arncliffe & Ingleby Cross.
These events are now an ann...
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Important meeting on 31st January
All residents are invited to come to the next Parish Council Meeting, starting at 7pm on Wednesday 31st January, in Ingleby Cross Village Hall.. The main focus of the meeting will be for Ben Briggs from Beyond Housing to answer your questions about re-starting the project. The Housing Enabling Officer, Angela Walmsley, hopes to be there if anyone needs to speak to her.
This is your chance to hear the timescale directly from a representative of t...
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Crossing The A19
Residents may have been wondering why the 50 mph Speed Limit signs have not been taken away from the stretch of A19 in our Parish.
National Highways have now informed us that 5 of the 6 minor gaps under review are to be permanently closed. Work should start in the week beginning 14th August and may last for 2-3 weeks after which the 50 mph signs will be removed.
Details of the closures will be posted this weekend, on the Noticeboard in the top village and also on ...
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Here are the details for the car boot sale, hope to see you there! For more infortmation, email The Blue Bell
You are warmly invited to 'Party in the Paddock' all details below and tickets on sale now at The Blue Bell
Dabbling in Acrylics! A very enjoyable morning was held in the Village Hall on Saturday 25th March under the guidance of award-winning local artist, Barbara Renton Wood. Organised by Jude Temple, it was a popular social event which also raised money for WI funds. Everyone who took part had a painting to take home at the end of the morning. You can find out more about Barbara's work on her website.
Everything you need to know about our upcoming Sports Day to Celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III please note, to register, click the link below the poster - not the one on the image Click here to register for Sports Day
We Have A Bus Shelter – at last!!
After many long years of waiting, our residents can now stay dry while they wait at Ingleby Cross to catch a bus to Northallerton. Regular user of the bus, Julian Best (pictured) is there every morning without fail in his wheel-chair, and he is delighted with the smart green shelter.
Visitors and Coast to Coast Walkers could also benefit from having the shelter.
The Parish is extremely grateful to the individuals who made it ha...
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A successful “Call My Bluff' wine tasting evening with a raffle was held on Saturday 17th October 2022, in aid of funds for the Village Hall. The tasting was attended by more than 40 villagers & their friends. Everyone had the opportunity to guess 6 wines [one sparkling, two white and three reds].
Margaret Ryder's table got the most points and won 3 bottles of wine.
Pam Smith's table won packets of wine gums for gaining the least number of points.
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The weather was perfect on August Bank Holiday Saturday for the Classic Car Show on the cricket field at Ingleby Cross. This popular event, previously held in Swainby village, attracted nearly 200 cars, motor bikes and a classic tractor.
Tasty refreshments were served all day in the Village Hall, while the Joiners Coffee Shop and Blue Bell Inn offered their own specialities.
Comments made by visitors praised the warm welcome they were given by everyone and the beautiful location. Our c...
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