Meetings & Activities 2015

Explanation on why this year shows minimal activity.


In 2014 the Parish Council registered with Hambleton District Council (HDC) and with North York Moors Park Authority (NYMPA), the Parish boundary, as the Area of Designation for the purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP).   It was publicised in the local press and approved by both HDC and NYMPA late in 2014.

At a routine progress meeting with HDC Planning Dept. in early 2015 the Steering Group (SG) was advised to postpone further work on the NP until the HDC Local Plan, which was under revision, had been issued
The reasons given were that the new Local Plan could change the number of houses needed in the parish and possible changes to the Development Boundary could render the preparation of a N Plan, unnecessary
Active work on the N P was suspended until early 2016 when there was still no sign of the revised Local Plan. The SG was uncomfortable with the delay so HDC was informed in April 2016 that work to produce the NP had been restarted on the same basis and assumptions as in force before the suspension period.

Hence the absence of notes or minutes of meetings for 2015.


Parish Council Newsletters

in 2015 briefing residents on the Parish's Neighbourhood Plan

October 2015


Darlington and Stockton Times

References to Neighbourhood Plan